5 Easy Tips for designing a site that stands out

Posted by OnlineMoneyGroup | 10:03 PM | | 0 comments »

With millions of sites online, and hundreds of thousands going live every day, it seems almost overwhelming to dive into creating a site that’s going to leave a lasting impression on your visitor. So take into account these 5 easy steps, created to help you design a site that not only WOW’s your visitor, but also keeps them coming back!

1. Use a unique layout format

So many sites use the age old standard format of putting a top banner up and then throwing all the content below. Try to mix things up with your layout, make it more original. Try to utilize not only tables and unique column creation, but also sharp images. Also keep things bright and easy on the eyes. Nothing scares people away like a dark and gloomy site.

2. Focus the users attention

The human eye isn’t as dynamic as one would think. It’s easily drawn in by vibrant patterns and motions, and this helps to focus a user on your site, and keep them scrolling and reading. A good rule of thumb here is, if it looks boring to you, it’s probably going to look boring to everyone else.

3. Keep things fairly simple, and get to the point

Even for the most organized people it can sometimes seem hard to convey your message with few words. But most people don’t have the time or the patience to read tons of information on multiple pages. Try get to the point and stay focused on your target audience.

4. Utilize modern features that visitors expect

Don’t fall into the past with the plain boring text based html pages. Utilize motion and dynamic animations, and really make use of the industry standard in web design, so to appear to be keeping up with the times, and letting people know that you stay up to date, therefore your site will stay up to date.

5. Design and impliment effective user interface

The final step I will mention in this post is going to be implementing an effective user interface. Keep things consistent, keep your links and sub-links easy to follow and understand, and don’t be afraid to use multiple pages to keep to the steps above in creating a simple and effective site, able to convey your message, but also not turn off your visitor.

Hopefully these steps help you in creating and designing your site. You can check this site, it has a nice design : http://www.bestptc.co.cc